Saturday, August 17, 2024

Friday 5 for August 16: Scattergories, Part 14


Friday 5 for August 16: Scattergories, Part 14

The annual Scattergories thing for this week's Friday 5. Yay! My letter for this year is... 


1. If you can schedule it, what would you like for your last meal?

Among the menu items for my last meal, there would definitely be an ICE CREAM dish, preferably a big ICE Cream Sundae....

2. Where would you like to be buried?

Since I more than likely will be opting for CREMATION, I will be sent to the Mortuary's INCINERATOR to have the useless body reduced into a heap of ash. Hopefully the mortuary will scoop up most of my ashes and put them in an urn for disposal later... though I think some will end up on the floor in the INCINERATOR and be swept away. 

3. What will they place in your coffin to be buried with you?

Coffins are expensive, so I am going with INCINERATION which equals to cremation. Maybe I'll burn up my old iPOD TOUCH 4 with the long dead, built in battery along with my useless corpse. I HATE BUILT IN BATTERIES... They lead to an early death while the device is still functional.. Why can't they have iPhones and other devices that have batteries that end users can easily replace???? I hate built in obsolescence!

4. Who will sing at your funeral?

I will choose one of my playlists from either SPOTIFY or YouTube Music to stream my favorite songs. LIVE singers are never good as the record unless you have enough money to hire the original artists.... which is impossible in my INCOME bracket.

5. Who will deliver your eulogy?

At this time... ME MYSELF and I... I might audio record something really short and just have that play at some point in one of the above playlists... Easy to do with a YouTube Music mix since they allow you to upload up to 50,000 of your own MP3 or AAC files for free. I could probably put my very short eulogy at the beginning, middle and end of the music mix.

On another note funerals... are they even necessary? It's just another added expense to the death process.

The three letters offered on my only spin.

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