Friday 5 for January 17: This week in the news
The following questions come from the Friday 5 blog.
2. Have you ever sent money as relief aid after a disaster?
I sent $40 many years ago as disaster aid after Hurricane Iniki in 1992.
3. How will the recent declaration affirming alcoholic beverages as cancer-causing affect your consumption?
It won't. I don't drink alcoholic beverages at all. Never did. Never will.
4. What is the most bizarre (or difficult to understand) movie you’ve seen?
For the longest time it was 2001: A Space Odyssey until I read the book.
5. How willing and able are you to separate art from artist when a musican, actor, writer, or other creator is discovered to have behaved very badly?
Yep. I am able to separate the recordings the artist made from the bad behavior that they display in the public record. This would include The Rolling Stones, The Who, Rod Stewart and many other music artists who have trashed people, hotel rooms or worst, taken drugs. Many such as Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, Janis Joplin and others have died from drug abuse. All bad behaviors, but none of it has prevented me from enjoying the musical recordings they produced.