Shown above: The Hawaii State Public Library, main branch in Honolulu.
1. What were the libraries at your elementary and high school like?
Small and quaint... at least that is what I remember from more than 40 years ago.
2. What’s interesting about your nearest community library?
I live closest to the main branch of the State Library (shown above). I guess what makes that library interesting is that it is in an old, probably historic building in the Capitol District of downtown Honolulu.
3. What is the longest you’ve had an overdue library book?
Not a book but somewhere in a closet I probably have an overdue issue of "Mechanix Illustrated" magazine from 1969.
4. Among people you know who aren’t already librarians, who would make a good librarian?
Perhaps you or anyone who likes reading, has patience to keep things neatly filed and a good sense of customer service.
5. Who is your favorite librarian?
The ones I knew from kid time have probably died. Sad.
Questions from Scrivener's Friday 5 website.