The music of The Beatles are among my most played songs.
It's late Monday night and Tuesday in some parts of the globe. This is a late post to the last Friday 5 of November 11.
1. When did you last have something custom-made to your specifications, not counting meals?
Long ago, built to order Apple Macintosh G4 tower computer - 2001. Prior to that PowerCenter Power Computing Mac Clone - 1997
2. In what way were you reminded this week that we’ve been experiencing a pandemic for nearly three years?
I got sick before Halloween with the dreaded COVID bug. Got over it this past week.
3. Who did you recently see in person for the first time in ages?
About 4 weeks ago - D.R. from my college days.
4. What will me-time look like for you this weekend?
Stayed at home about 98% of the past weekend.
5. What songs have you been enjoying lately?
Plenty. My songs change almost daily. You can view what I most recently listened to:
List of my most played rock and pop artists of all time since 2006: