Haven't been doing much here, so this at least catches up with the last two Friday 5s. Questions are derived from Scrivener's Friday 5 site.
Friday 5 for June 8: With a Capital T
1. What kind of trouble are you getting yourself into? - Financial
2. What was your most recent car trouble? - Flat tire two months ago, leaking coolant hose
3. What’s a rhyming phrase (such as “work jerk” or “poo shoe”) to describe something causing you problems lately?
This doesn't rhyme but I will go with "cash flow".
4. What’s something that needs loosening or unsticking?
My car antenna is stuck
5. What’s your favorite board game involving rolling dice? -
Friday 5 for June 1: Esprit
"This week’s questions are ridiculous, but I’m dying to read your thoughts. Someone asked me a few years ago what my spirit animal is, and it’s a fun question to think about, whether one believes in such things or not (I do not). In this (ahem) spirit:"
I don't have a spirit anything except for perhaps my own soul. Otherwise here goes with the answered questions.
1. What’s your spirit animal?
None. Certainly not man if you watched the Planet of the Apes movies….
"Beware the beast man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him (drive him back into his jungle lair) for he is the harbinger of death."2. What’s your spirit tree? None.
3. What’s your spirit food or beverage?
Water - the basic substance we need to sustain life. I try to drink plenty of it every day. We all should do that.
4. What’s your spirit weather phenomenon? - None really, but I like sunny days.
5. What’s your spirit passenger vehicle?
None, but I guess Toyotas seem to last a long time. Nothing spiritual about that.
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