Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday 5 for April 7: Gimme One Reason

1. What makes you unreasonably irritated?

Whenever my computer slows down or freezes. That beach ball of death that spins on the screen drives me crazy when it doesn't allow me to do anything else with the Mac except to force quit the offending app, the finder or rebooting. Often times you can't get to the "Force Quit" menu option even with the 3 finger salute... ARRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!

2. What are you unreasonably particular about?

For starters, one space after a period at the end of a sentence. Two spaces is like so typewriter and yesterday. If I get a document from someone that has to be imported into something else, the first thing I do is spellcheck and then a search and destroy (replace) of any and all double spaces after sentence ending periods.

3. What’s something that’s unreasonably complicated?

Taxes! Life would be a whole lot easier and cheaper if income taxes were replaced with a consumption tax you pay at the cash register. Why should we continually be penalized for productivity (work)?

4. What are the best reasons for working in your field?

Perhaps like minded people within the organization you work for.

5. What are some good reasons for the most recent silly purchase you made?

I don't purchase silly stuff. Money is tight and it can't be wasted on silly stuff. Sorry.


  1. I am guilty of the two spaces after periods.

  2. I never thought of the two spaces, but I totally agree!
