Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday 5 for Octrober 16: Goings On

The following questions come from Scrivener's Friday 5 blog.


  1. What’s an issue you wish more people knew about?
  2. When were you last outraged about something?
  3. When you were a kid, what was the first news story to make an impression on you?
  4. What’s getting far too much media attention lately?
  5. What’s a consumer product you’d recommend to others?

1. Killing of unborn babies at Planned Parenthood and government funding for such atrocities.

2. I am still outraged about the general excise taxes we have to pay to support the city's biggest mistake of the 21st century: RAIL.

Moments Before Disaster

3. Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I was only 7 years old and the way it hit me was perhaps weeks later when a copies of Life magazine showed all of the photos from that motorcade procession in Dallas Texas. As a kid who did not know any better, the killing of the President of the United States was like someone had killed God. I also remember my Mom crying about it.

4. Gay rights.

5. Chromebooks for people who want a cheap, secondary computer. They are the best laptops for traveling since your data is not on the Chromebook but stored in the cloud. Nice!

On the Road with my Chromebook

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