1. Be honest: what are some rules you have for yourself that don’t
really make much sense?
Don't walk outside barefooted - you may step on glass, a bee or a sharp metal object.
2. What rules of questionable sense did your parents have for you when
you were young?
Probably going to bed at 8pm and missing some prime time TV that occurred after that. This was through my early elementary school years.
3. What’s a rule most people (if not all people) seem never to obey?
There are plenty...
a. Running red lights.
b. Crossing against the orange flashing light. Also J-walkers.
c. Running through crosswalks when the countdown timer says less than 5 seconds.
d. Drivers not using turn signals.
e. Drivers who talk on their cell phone while driving even though we have a law that prohibits that.
f. Drivers who do not yield the right of way for pedestrians at crosswalks.
g. Drivers who follow your vehicle too closely (tailgaters).
h. Idiots who burst illegal fireworks.
i. Idiots who burst legal fireworks on illegal fireworks days (about 360 days a year).
j. Smokers who smoke in "no smoking zones". The signs clearly say that. The law says so. Yet they smoke!!!!
k. People who let their cell phones ring at movie theaters or in church.
l. People who take cell phone calls while seated in the theater or church while the performance is going on.'
m. I hate people who try to sneak their small dogs into apartment/condo complexes that have a "no pets allowed" house rule.
n. People who go beyond the marked /signed barrier at lookout points near cliffs. Hello, the sign is there to protect you and the state from falling/liability.
o. People who talk on their cell phones and use their electronic devices on planes even after the announcement comes on saying turn off cell phones and electronic devices for takeoff and landing.
p. People who use the express line at the supermarket where the sign says 1o items or less and they have a cart load of more than 10 items. That irks me!
q. The check out clerk at the supermarket who allow the line violating scafflow (above) through with more than 10 items when the sign clearly says "10 items or less".
4. There are no rules governing the giving and receiving of Valentine’s Day gifts, but what rules should there be?
Never assume everyone likes Valentine's Day. I don't celebrate this non-holiday.
5. If the Golden Rule says you should do unto others as you’d have others do unto you, what would the Silver and Bronze rules say?
Do not tax us for more than we can afford.
Stop wasteful government spending.
Questions were originally posted at the Friday 5 website.
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