Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday 5 for January 20, 2012 - A Stitch in Time

The Video: "A Stitch in Time" by Smashing Pumpkins

The Meme: From Scrivener's Friday 5 - A Stitch in Time

Q & A: My responses

1. What was your first wristwatch like?

I think it was a Timex.

2. What lately seems to have been a thief of time?

Paperwork, computer graphics & layout, photo and video editing.

3. What were yesterday’s quietest five minutes like?


4. In what way have you lately been saving time?

Going to work early.

5. We are often charged hourly rates for labor, but we never get to reciprocate in kind when promised completion times don’t match actual completion. If you could bill people for the time you spend waiting, what would be a reasonable amount?

$1 a minute for the first 10 minutes... $3 a minute any time beyond that.

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