Touched by Your Presence Dear - Blondie - OK so it is not presents.. heh.
This week's Friday 5 questions from Scrivener....
1. For what ability do you seem to have a natural gift?
I think I have a good sense of timing. I am keenly aware of deadlines and when I should be at a certain point at a certain time of the process, like making it to the airport in good time to beat the raging crowd at the TSA checkpoint and settle in the waiting area early before all the chaos that precedes the boarding of a typical flight begins.
I hate being late for an appointment.
2. What’s pretty good about the present moment?
Peace, solace, quiet. I'm at home, on the computer.
3. What nearby, everyday object would be a good symbolic bequest to someone in your life?
Looking for someone to donate my entire record and CD collection to after my death.
4. What recognitions, large or small, have been bestowed upon you?
I was honored about 2 years ago for being an "unsung hero" of the year for Assistance League of Hawaii. They make awards to volunteers who excel in doing work that is largely behind the scenes. In my case I completely revamped their website and moved the content from an old server to a new one using Wordpress.
5. What was your most recent charitable donation?
I am a regular member volunteer contributor to Assistance League of Hawaii, Since their thrift shop is within walking distance to my home, I was recruited about 7 years ago by a photographer friend to help him sort out donated cameras and prep them for resale at their thrift shop. After he moved out of state I took over the camera inspection and prep duties and still do that today.
Over the years I got more involved with them, to the point where today I am their newsletter editor, photographer and website administrator. I worked on a minor update to the website today. I also post to their Facebook and Twitter pages. I am part of the marketing team.
Assistance League of Hawaii is always looking for donors and volunteers. You can find out more on our website.
I can't wait to see raging TSA checkpoints again.