Saturday, August 3, 2024

Friday 5 for August 2: EXCESSIVE NEGATIVITY

Excessive negativity

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

It’s been a while since our last gripe session!


1. What’s your biggest complaint about in-store shopping?

Self service checkouts. I hate the ones with a camera built in. I hate having my picture taken. I also hate these things because at some stores you still have to call the clerk to fix a bad error code or approve of a coupon code that you put in but still needs verification - I'm looking at you Don Quijote.

I also hate that the prices of items don't match what is on the posted on the shelf vs. what the checkout price is. Looking at you again DQ! And then I read WalMart is moving to dynamic pricing.... just like Amazon... this will really stink. I can imagine two customers picking up the same item in Walmart will be charged different prices... Ugh! 

I hate the fact we have to also bring our own shopping bags to avoid an additional charge at checkout. I love the good old days where stores always gave you a free paper or plastic bag at checkout. It was so much more convenient and less costly. Bud gawd dammit... the fucking environmental wacko lobby persuaded legislators to regulate our lives by setting up bag fees and recycling fees for bottles... all a tax as I can see it. Fucking environmentalists and left leaning politicians.

2. What’s your biggest complaint about seeing movies in a theater?

Fucking ticket prices are way too high... It is way cheaper to just wait for the movies to show up in streaming or better yet, on DVD. I would rather spend the damn $16 movie ticket price to get the DVD, where you can find cheaper ones of older titles at used DVD stores and thrift shops.... often atmore affordable prices.

The last movie I saw in the theater was the last episode of the 40-year in the making of the Luke Skywalker saga of Star Wars... Episode 9. While I love the first 3 or even 6 Star Wars, the later ones from Disney have been disappointing. Star Wars is fucked up by Disney. I hate the new Disney... so woke and politically corrrect... next thing you know they are going to have a Black Snow White!!!!

Oh another thing that pisses me off about theaters... super high priced snacks. Not worth it. Just sneak cheap eats in and fuck the snack bar. I also hate movie complexes...they are set up just to keep people going to the snack stand with multiple screens and staggered times... Ugh! I am so done with movies in theaters.

3. What’s your biggest complaint about personal hygiene?

Increasing prices for all items. Bidenomics truly at work for all consumer items. Time to get rid of the leftist, progressive liberals!!!!

4. What’s your biggest complaint about preparing a meal?

I am not a cook. I don't like preparing meals. It takes too long, and I am not very good. I am ok cooking for myself, but I have zero confidence of cooking for anyone else... "why are the eggs green?".... impossible!!!!!!

5. What’s your biggest complaint about your neighborhood?

TOD - Transit Oriented Development.... high rises springing up everywhere along the projected RAIL route that will not get here before I die... Plus I have been OPPOSED TO THE FUCKING RAIL due to all of the high costs associated with it.... GE Tax increase, property tax increases (due to new developments springing up in my neighborhood).... and many other items related to the RAIL that just compounds all of our cost of living issues!!!!

Also increased CRIME in my area with fights, murders and more happening in this area... There are undeerground gambling operations, prostitution houses and drug pushing happening in my neighborhood, even with the elimination of most of the older Korean bars in the area.

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